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Robert Iannini - Evil Genius: More Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius : 40 New Build-It-Yourself Projects read online ebook TXT, EPUB, DOC


Graph theory and the fields of natural language processing and information retrieval are well-studied disciplines. Traditionally, these areas have been perceived as distinct, with different algorithms, different applications and different potential end-users. However, recent research has shown that these disciplines are intimately connected, with a large variety of natural language processing and information retrieval applications finding efficient solutions within graph-theoretical frameworks. This book extensively covers the use of graph-based algorithms for natural language processing and information retrieval. It brings together topics as diverse as lexical semantics, text summarization, text mining, ontology construction, text classification and information retrieval, which are connected by the common underlying theme of the use of graph-theoretical methods for text and information processing tasks. Readers will come away with a firm understanding of the major methods and applications in natural language processing and information retrieval that rely on graph-based representations and algorithms., How have developments in literary and cultural theory transformed our understanding of narrative? What has happened to narrative in the wake of poststructuralism? What is the role and function of narrative in the contemporary world? In this revised, updated and expanded new edition of an established text, Mark Currie explores these central questions and guides students through the complex theories that have shaped the study of narrative in recent decades. Postmodern Narrative Theory , Second Edition: * Establishes direct links between the workings of fictional narratives and those of the non-fictional world * Charts the transition in narrative theory from its formalist beginnings, through deconstruction, towards its current concerns with the social, cultural and cognitive uses of narrative * Explores the relationship between postmodern narrative and postmodern theory more closely * Presents detailed illustrative readings of known literary texts such as Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Conrad's Heart of Darkness , and now features a new chapter on Coetzee's Elizabeth Costello and Slow Man . Approachable and stimulating, this is an essential introduction for anyone studying postmodernism, the theory of narrative or contemporary fiction., In the foundational document of modern public-opinion research, Philip E. Converse's "The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics" (1964) established the U.S. public's startling political ignorance. This volume makes Converse's long out-of-print article available again and brings together a variety of scholars, including Converse himself, to reflect on Converse's findings after nearly half a century of further research. Some chapters update findings on public ignorance. Others outline relevant research agendas not only in public-opinion and voter-behavior studies, but in American political development, "state theory," and normative theory. Three chapters grapple with whether voter ignorance is "rational." Several chapters consider the implications of Converse's findings for the democratic ideal of a well-informed public; others focus on the political "elite," who are better informed but quite possibly more dogmatic than members of the general public. Contributors include Scott Althaus, Stephen Earl Bennett, Philip E. Converse, Samuel DeCanio, James S. Fishkin, Jeffrey Friedman, Doris A. Graber, Russell Hardin, Donald Kinder, Arthur Lupia, Samuel L. Popkin, Ilya Somin, and Gregory W. Wawro. This book was originally published as a special issue of Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society., Now mad scientists everywhere can provoke even more mayhem and have even more slightly wicked fun! In these pages, electronics author Bob lannini provides fully detailed and diagrammed plans for 40 excitingly evil new projects. Seriously impressive, these projects can be made at home, at very low cost compared to their entertainment value and other benefits. Many can be made for less than $100. Exploring the edge of science fiction, lannini brings today's most thrilling electronics into reach for the home hobbyist. With easy-to-follow plans, clear diagrams and schematics, and respect for your budget, his MORE Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius gives you: Illustrated instructions and plans for amazing pre-tested projects advanced enough for sophisticated electronics enthusiasts but described in sufficient detail to be built even by newcomers. Explanations of the science and math behind each project. For instance, you can explore the kinetic potential of electric fields, moving light objects at a distance. Frustration-factor removal-needed parts are listed, along with sources-and most of these projects can be built for $100 or less. Book jacket., This much anticipated follow-up to the wildly popular cultclassic Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius gives basement experimenters 40 all-new projects to tinker with. Following the tried-and-true Evil Genius Series format, each project includes a detailed list of materials, sources for parts, schematics, documentation, and lots of clear, well-illustrated instructions for easy assembly. The convenient two-column format makes following step-by-step instructions a breeze. Readers will also get a quick briefing on mathematical theory and a simple explanation of operation along with enjoyable descriptions of key electronics topics such as various methods of acceleration, power conditioning, energy storage, magnetism, and kinetics., With studies of, amongst others, Miguel de Cervantes, Anton Chekhov, Charles Baudelaire and Henry James, this landmark collection of essays is a unique and wide-ranging exploration and celebration of the many forms of digression in major works by fifteen of the finest European writers from the early modern period to the present day.

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Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest electrical inventors who ever lived.Arte, venganza, intriga y pasión.He was one of the central figures linked to a bizarre and little-known attempted coup against Franklin Delano Roosevelt's presidency.In tackling this, our approaches to engineering design have come under the spotlight.It lays the foundation for reinforcement learning-based optimal adaptive controller use for finite and infinite horizons.A dashingly impecunious bachelor, Dick Follywit, in need of quick cash and a good time has to live on his wits so turns con-man to fool his rich uncle.To mark the occasion, Cooper Hewitt is publishing an expansive book on its unparalleled collection, which consists of more than 210,000 objects from all over the world, spanning 30 centuries.Dick. The result is brilliantly original fiction as profound as it is playful.