Read online ebook Strengths-Based Recruitment and Development : A Practical Guide to Transforming Talent Management Strategy for Business Results by Sally Bibb in DOC, DJV


Strengths-Based Recruitment and Development explains how and why strengths-based recruitment (SBR) is having a transformational impact on performance in top companies like Saga, Gap, Starbucks and SABMiller. By shifting the focus from what people can do (competency-based recruitment) to what they naturally enjoy doing, or SBR, these companies have reported results which include a 50% drop in staff turnover, 20% increase in productivity and a 12% increase in customer satisfaction within a matter of months. It is no wonder that organizations in many sectors are adopting this new and powerful approach to improve performance, customer satisfaction and competitive edge.Strengths-Based Recruitment and Development includes case studies and interviews with executive board level leaders. These provide rare insight into how they implemented strengths approaches in their organizations to improve the bottom line and performance. The book shows how strengths-based talent management goes beyond simply recruiting the right people to creating a strategy and culture that has a transformational effect on organisational culture and results. Strengths-Based Recruitment and Development will be the go-to book on strengths-based talent management for HR professionals and managers. Online supporting resources include bonus frequently asked questions about strengths-based talent management., Traditionally, most organizations have hired employees based on what they can do and have done in the past, rather than what they are naturally good at and love doing. Companies, such as Starbucks, have adopted Strengths-Based Recruitment (SBR), and many have reported increases in productivity and customer satisfaction and decreases in sick days. Based on the author's own work and case studies with her clients, Strengths-Based Recruitment and Development takes a more strategic look at developing SBR. It goes beyond simply recruiting the right people, to keeping employees working at their best through development and performance management, and creating a culture that brings out their strengths. Chapters explain the differences between SBR and competency-based recruiting, the benefits of using SBR, how SBR works in practice, how to implement an SBR strategy while avoiding pitfalls, the financial and human impact of an effective strengths-based strategy, and finally, discuss strengths-based performance management and development., Traditionally, organizations have hired employees based on what they can do and have done in the past (competency-based recruiting), rather than what they are naturally good at and love doing, or Strengths-Based Recruitment (SBR). Companies, such as Starbucks and Gap, have adopted SBR and have reported increases in productivity and customer satisfaction and decreases in sick days. Through case studies and interviews with executive board level leaders, Strengths-Based Recruitment and Development takes a more strategic look at developing SBR and provides valuable insight into how SBR has been successfully implemented in organizations to improve performance and the bottom line. It goes beyond simply recruiting the right people, to keeping employees working at their best through development and performance management, and creating a culture that brings out their strengths. Chapters explain the differences between SBR and competency-based recruiting, the benefits of using SBR, how SBR works in practice, how to implement an SBR strategy while avoiding pitfalls, the financial and human impact of an effective strengths-based strategy, and finally, discuss strengths-based performance management and development.

Sally Bibb - Strengths-Based Recruitment and Development : A Practical Guide to Transforming Talent Management Strategy for Business Results read online MOBI, TXT, EPUB