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Read online Learning: Learning Node. js : A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications in JavaScript DJV, TXT


Learning Node.js brings together the knowledge and JavaScript code needed to build master the Node.js platform and build server-side applications with extraordinary speed and scalability. You'll start by installing and running Node.js, understanding the extensions it uses, and quickly writing your first app. Next, building on the basics, you'll write more capable application servers and extend them with today's most powerful Node.js tools and modules. Finally, you'll discover today's best practices for testing, running Node.js code on production servers, and writing command-line utilities. Throughout the book, author Marc Wandschneider teaches by walking the reader line-by-line through carefully crafted examples, demonstrating proven techniques for creating highly efficient applications and servers. Build Node.js solutions that leverage current JavaScript skills Master Node.js nonblocking IO and async programming Handle more requests and increase an application's flexibility Use and write modules Perform common JSON/web server tasks Use browsers to generate pages on the fly via Ajax calls and template libraries Simplify development with the express framework Create database back-ends using popular NoSQL and relational databases Deploy and run Node.js apps on Unix/OS X or Windows servers Take advantage of multiprocessor hardware Support virtual hosts and SSL/HTTPS security Test Node.js programs that mix synchronous, async, and RESTful server API functionality

Download Marc Wandschneider - Learning: Learning Node. js : A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications in JavaScript in PDF, TXT

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