Book Danielle Kie Hart - From Contract to Status : The Story of Contract Law and Inequality MOBI, DOC, DJV


Our system of contract law depends for its legitimacy on the idea that contract law only concerns private agreements between private parties and nothing else. As such, conventional wisdom holds that contract law is a private law subject, not a public law subject. This book challenges that view. It makes the case that contract law is, in fact, a matter of public law. It makes two central arguments. First, contract law is public law because the role of the State in the field of public law is neither neutral nor minimal. Second, contract law is public law because, as a direct result of the way contract law operates in practice, it helps to create and perpetuate inequality in society. The book therefore argues that because contract law is actually public law, it must be analysed in terms of equality, not individualism and autonomy. Only in so doing can contract law be reimagined in ways that not only reflect reality but also help us to live up to our own aspirations individually and collectively. This work helps us to rethink the nature of contract law and to redraw the map of law more generally.

Download From Contract to Status : The Story of Contract Law and Inequality by Danielle Kie Hart in EPUB, DOC, MOBI

Provides research evidence supporting the foundational principles .The potential of uniform law has not yet been fully recognised .The range of topics covered as well as the multidisciplinary approach of the handbooks" "will attract a global audience.In a comprehensive study of the question, the authors of this eye-opening book separate fact from myth.Gary Bellow and Martha Minow in Law Storieshave gathered a group of stories that explore the actual experiences of clients and lawyers in concrete legal contexts.Starting with an introductory essay on the application, interpretation and development of public international law by the European Courts and Advocates General, it then reproduces essential extracts from the decisions and opinions concerning questions of international law.Turow's group of One Ls are fresh, bright, ambitious, and more than a little daunting.